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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Things I Just Do Not Understand

Thongs on really heavy guys.

Men driving cars with Tinkerbell seat covers. Especially if the gear shifter has a skull for a handle.

Really ugly tattoos that look like one's skin is rotting off.

Glenn Beck

Women who bleach the top layer of their hair white and leave the rest dark so they look like a skunk.

Country music. Apologies to my brother, but we made fun of country music as kids, and I am not going to change now.

What the hell a Tarheel is?

Why they had to put this sign up at New Orleans Airport's security scanner. And why they did not notice that they wrote children twice?

How anyone would think that handpainting flames and putting a 2x4 as a spoiler on the trunk of his car is going to make it more attractive.

How 5'2" women with 2 children can justify owning a huge gas guzzling Chevy Suburban just because they have those 2 children and "need the space."

Who Justin Beiber is, and why he is such a big deal on twitter.

What a breakfast burrito is, and why anyone would eat such an aberration? Gross, sorry, but gross.

Why people pierce their tongues, lips, nipples, genitals, etc. It is sort of like the anti-dress for success. Like saying to an employer "Don't hire me. I'm on drugs and will steal your money and sleep with your daughter."

Why anyone would want to wear really huge ring dilators, except in the case when these are use to hide heroin or cocaine.

People who get hooked on heroin and meth despite knowing what it will do to them.

People who have children at 16 years old because they are partying so much that they make bad judgements.

People who neglect and abuse their children because they are too interested in their addiction to deal with them.

People who get so hooked that are driven to trafficking heroin to support their habits and still do not want to quit.

People who have watched all their friends die of heroin OD's but continue to shoot it.

People who have 2 and 3 year old children who are still children themselves who die of heroin overdoses because they could not choose their addiction to heroin over the lives they created.

I would rather put up with Justin Beiber.

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