There are always times when I have neither the time nor the inspiration to think of anything worthwhile to say. I have hit one of those impasses and have chosen to fill the slot with some of those random ideas and musings that one encounters that warrant being documented for history's sake but are not that lengthy enough for a whole post. Some of those follow.
If you can tip a stripper with cash by sticking a dollar into his/her thong, why can you not install a card reader in his/her butt cheeks so you can swipe a credit card and give a tip this way?

If you ever really want to annoy a guy named Doug, go up to him and ask him why he does not spell his name Dug rather than Doug. The same goes for Phil and Fill.
If you look at this really closely, you can see a tiny Ben Roethlissberger chasing a terrified woman in this.
This is just wrong. This is a Volkswagen Beetle- with a dragon painted on the side! VW Beetles have bud vases standard! Not marijuana buds you smart asses- flower buds! The very same Beetle had an Ed Hardy steering wheel cover with bulldogs with fangs showing and spiked dog collars. VW Bugs are available with such options as flower co
vers for the rear tail lights. These cars are not intended for such violent images. If you really look closely, you will notice that the VW symbol on the rear wheel cover is missing. This is nothing short of blasphemy for VW fans. VW bugs have always had all of their VW symbols in the hub caps. ALL of them. Not SOME of them, ALL of them. VW bugs are about peace and love and happiness and this bug has images of anger and violence and is just WRONG. I am going to have to kick some major ass over this one. This REALLY PISSES me off!
This is a Dodge Viper RT/10. It is the finest piece of street legal automotive engineering the Americans have ever mass produced. There is nothing funny or obnoxious about this car with the exception that is not MY Viper. (For those of you who would argue that the Shelby Cobra a better specimen of American engineering, I would remind you that the true name of the Shelby Cobra is the AC Cobra and is not, in fact, 100% American. It is, in fact a Ford motor on an AC {ie British} chassis.)
Why is the local news I am currently watching about to show a news story about a new gas station opening? Even a real ugly mullet sighting would be more newsworthy. No, I am not making this up. They once covered a Wendy's opening, too.
Look, twins!
OH MY GOD!, the new gas station story just played! You can get a FREE COFFEE OR CAPPUCCINO just for stopping in! No wonder they covered it on the evening news! I feel so much better now.
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