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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Vernal Equinox

Well, technically it is Spring. The temperature has risen to above freezing, enough to melt the snow so it does not look so dismal but it still feels cold, especially with the wind in the mountains being so relentless this time of year. The upcoming week is not predicted to bring much relief.

My son is seven and still tends to believe those fables we tell our kids despite our admonitions that they are only stories. I would never tell him the truth about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny (although I almost blew it with the Tooth Fairy, but that is another story), but he really does not need to believe in the predictive ability of Punxsutawney Phil if you ask me. Punxsy is only about 1 1/2 hours from here and on February 2nd he actually wanted us to drive him early on Saturday morning to go see them torment some poor rodent just for that ritual that he believes in. He should have just asked Momma and Daddy if we saw our shadows at 6AM on a Saturday morning when we were awoken so rudely.

Of course, Punxsy Phil did not see his shadow, and an early Spring was predicted. And my son was in tears because he wanted more time to go sledding. As before, my husband and I both could not convince him that regardless of the groundhog's keepers view of whether he saw his shadow or not (face it, the groundhog really does not give a shit) it does not appear that Spring was anywhere near arrival.

And so we took my son to a ski resort where he could go tubing. He got some sledding in too. Built a snowman. Ran around in the snow until his fingers were frozen and his lips were blue and still said he was not cold.

For me, I actually hoped the groundhog was right. I hate winter. I hate the cold weather, the long dark nights, driving to work in snow and slush and digging my car out of the same before going home. I get depressed to some degree every winter. Sometimes worse, sometimes less, but winter always affects me. I will stomp around the house every time we get another storm warning  shouting "Why do we live here? Why does anybody live here? Why would anyone have chosen to settle here 200 years ago. Why didn't they settle in warm places? Now we're stuck here. I hate it. I hate it. I HATE it!" Something like that. I wonder if snorting Wellbutrin would be more effective, or if it would just make my nose go numb and taste really foul. I have never tried it in case you are wondering. Yet.

But winter has persisted. Even my son complained that it was still cold today. "If it is Spring, why is it cold out? I am so tired of Winter!" Mr. Love the Four Seasons is growing weary of the weather, too.

But it is sunny today. Cold, but sunny. Maybe if I wear enough layers, I could tolerate it well enough to wallow in it and give my hypothalamus a jolt of energy. In terms of sunlight we are going to get more day than night for the next six months and cold or not, that is a start. Let the Sun shine in!

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